Starr Innovation Studios

Creative Business Strategy

business planning
Starr Innovation Studios (SIS)

A Creative Business platform that designs and builds concepts from Idea to Innovation

Starr Innovation Studios

Strategy Driven Business Development

Star Innovation is a creative business platform where we Design, Build, Acquire, Fund, Launch, Market, Manage & Grow innovative brands across Industries. The platform is designed to take an existing or start up concept through the Starr Innovation Platform where we design and build a roadmap, that is driven by the mission, purpose and goals that include:


Business Organization System


Digital Transformation

Better ROI through intelligent use of technology


Organizational Strategy

A 360 degree view that covers all aspects of a business for ultimate success


Marketing Strategy

Position your business for ultimate growth


Click below to discover how our passion combines with your vision to generate value for your business.

Design & Build

Starr Innovation Design Studio is where we Design & Build solutions & prototypes for Business & Technology Systems, Consumer products, Housing & Built Environments, Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems, Renewable Energy, Natural Resources.

Business Acquisitions

At Starr Innovation we focus on acquiring established brands within the industries and sectors we serve. We focus on acquiring established brands within growth industries that meet our selective criteria. Once we acquire a business, we have a specific onboarding process that ensures a smooth transition from current owners to the new owners.


Starr Innovation specific funding campaigns offer investors a solid investment that is secured by real estate, equipment, assets and a qualified, professional team to manage an6d grow Starr Brands.


We build and manufacture sustainable products cross industries. Our process starts with an innovative idea that we design and build into a prototype that we test market on a smaller scale to refine based on consumer feedback before the official launch. One of our favorite things to do is combine a new concept with an established performing brand= new brand acceleration plan.


The Marketing Strategy determines the success of any brand. We hire top marketing and branding professionals that assist with creating innovative Marketing plans and campaigns.

Manage & Grow

Our professional business and management team apply innovative growth plans that include organizational and digital transformation strategies that grow, manage and prepare brands that we acquire to scale up based on market demands.

Your Partner for

Digital Transformation
Re-architect your business for the Digital Age

We bring decades of accumulated domain, and technology capabilities to our Digital Transformation practice. Show us how your business works, and we’ll show you how to leverage automation to restructure your business processes for greater operational efficiency.

Industries / Sectors

Starr Innovation 2021 - 2025.

The goal is to design, build, acquire, fund, launch, market, manage and grow established brands in the following industries & sectors:


Real Estate

Housing & Build Environments. Home sales, homebuyer education and investment



Regenerative Farming & Food System that supports local farmers and sustainable local businesses.



The homes designed and built by Starr Brand offers renewable energy options to Build A Dream Home Buyers.


Health And Wellness

A Holistic Health & Wellness System that delivers brands that provide sustainable and holistic Health & Wellness solutions and Consumer Health & Wellness Products.

How We Do It

Our goal is to grow expand existing brands via growth strategies, digital transformation and sustainable solutions

Business Acquisitions, Mergers & Joint Ventures

Business Growth & Expansion Plans

Organizational Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Contact Us

We Can Help You Transform Your Business

Full Name
Starr Innovation

Creative Business Strategy and Digital Transformation.